the choice factory: behavioural science & effective advertising
We welcomed Richard Shotton, author of the acclaimed book The Choice Factory, for a fascinating presentation on the behavioural science insights that can be used to improve advertising effectiveness.
In this presentation Richard outlines 5 key learnings for marketers, including
- How a life change – including the current global health crisis – puts buying behaviour in flux, presenting an opportunity for marketers.
- Why social proof (the finding that consumers tend to copy others) becomes more pronounced during a crisis
- How to attract attention & the need to be distinctive
- Tactics for reducing price sensitivity
- Why, if you want to change behaviour, making it easy is as important as changing motivation levels
other resources:
related research
optimising media using behavioural science
Founder, Astroten
Richard is the author of The Choice Factory, a best-selling book on how to apply findings from behavioural science to advertising.
Richard started his career as a media planner 20 years ago, working on accounts such as Coke, Lexus, and comparethemarket, before specialising in applying behavioural science to business problems.
He is the founder of Astroten, a consultancy that applies behavioural science to marketing.
He regularly runs training sessions with brands, big and small, using insights from behavioural science to help solve their problems.