Explore our extensive library of research reports and presentations to see how the power of TV advertising can drive your business.
At Media, Marketing & Effectiveness Vancouver, Rupen Shah, Head of Client Services at Thinkbox, shared their latest econometric research, Profit Ability 2, one of the best econometric studies we’ve seen.
At Media, Marketing & Effectiveness Vancouver, Dan White, acclaimed author and marketer, walked us through some essential marketing principles, covering everything from advertising investment strategies to media selection and tips for creating effective video advertising.
What are the benefits of TV advertising? TV’s unparalleled reach, time spent, and strong viewer connection make it the most impactful and efficient advertising medium.
Want proof? Get all the facts in this detailed report.
We were delighted to host this year’s annual Media, Marketing & Effectiveness event in beautiful Vancouver! It was a great afternoon filled with informative and thought-provoking presentations.
Couldn’t attend? Check out the day’s content on the event page.
In this webinar, we were privileged to host four of the authors from Eat Your Beets. The book, an APG Canada initiative, is a collection of essays by Canada’s leading thinkers in brand, media, and strategy.
Want to know who is winning “the streaming wars”, what the reach is for the individual services, and – most importantly – how they compare to Total TV (linear TV + BVOD)?
Get all the details in our latest TV & Streaming Viewership report.
Mark Ritson’s must-see presentation covers all the key marketing principles, from positioning, segmentation, and targeting to ESOV and the importance of writing a great brief.
Find out what’s changing in marketing, and just as importantly, what key principles need to remain at the forefront.
Peter Field is well known for his effectiveness research and insights, but his keynote at the FTVA Global conference was among his most impassioned. Field’s argument in support of TV advertising’s superior effectiveness, which draws on a wealth of data from Lumen, System1, Amplified Intelligence, and the IPA, is a must watch. Also available as a whitepaper.
How accurate are the industry’s assumptions about the media habits and advertising perceptions of the general public? Our latest Ad Nation study, conducted with Ipsos, exposes our similarities, our differences, and the areas where we must work to challenge our assumptions.
Quebec is a unique market, with its own language, sense of culture — and media habits.
These three presentations from thinktv, Ipsos, and CBC provide an overview of the Quebec Franco media landscape, a snapshot of marketing opportunities in Quebec, and a collection of insights into what resonates with this group.
These are challenging times for marketers. The good news is there are several steps you can take to maximize your marketing budget. Les Binet’s presentation discusses the five key factors to consider in order to optimize returns from your advertising investment.
Our latest Media, Marketing & Effectiveness event was filled with insights and great presentations, from tips on improving creative effectiveness to the launch of our latest Ad Nation research to Mark Ritson and his illuminating (and entertaining) talk on key marketing principles.
A new study out of the UK, using cutting-edge neuroscience, examines the factors to consider when it comes to effective creative execution. Presented by Simon Tunstill of Thinkbox, this presentation is filled with practical tips and real-life examples.
This webinar, hosted by thinktv Canada and IAB Canada, was developed to educate and help the advertising industry make informed decisions in the iGaming space. Speakers include experts from the Canadian Gaming Association, The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and iGaming Ontario.
Karen Nelson-Field’s latest research, with VIA in Belgium, confirms again the superior attention TV and BVOD garner compared to other media: TV generates a high level of “active attention”, a low level of “non attention” and holds attention much better than YouTube.
Richard Shotton, author of the acclaimed The Choice Factory, shares insights from his new book The Illusion of Choice: Shotton outlines four key psychological biases that influence consumer behaviour, and outlines how advertisers can use them to improve their marketing strategies.
This presentation covers the results of a detailed econometric modelling analysis that outlines what happens when an online brand starts advertising on TV, including tips on how & when to use TV (with important learnings about TV’s impact on search and the problems with many “last click” analysis).
This brand lift study, presented by Dan Iwasa-Madge, showcases the positive impact TV advertising has on key brand metrics, with a focus on the QSR, Auto and Financial categories.
June 2022: Common audience segments are now available in Quebec! Marketers who wish to reach Quebec’s French-language market will be empowered with equally deep, data-driven insights to optimize their linear TV campaigns.
How has the role of brand changed with the rise in popularity of e-commerce? Are advertisers ‘optimizing themselves out of effectiveness’? James Hurman presents “Rethinking Brand for Future Demand”, a thought-provoking presentation on the role of brand in contemporary marketing, how it needs to evolve, and what remains critical.
Research consistently shows, and experts continue to advise, that cutting ad spend comes at a high cost to brand health and business results in the long-term. Check out our collection of insights from industry experts to help set your brand up for success today, and in the future.
Industry experts, essential research, and info-packed webinars: Check out our thinktv presents page for a collection of valuable presentations.