Canada’s top rated ads 2020
Join us Feb 24 as we explore which ads resonated most with Canadians in 2020 as tested by System1 Group.
Chief Marketing Officer, Jon Evans, will highlight the top-performing TV ads according to System1’s ad testing software, how reactions in Canada differ from the US and the UK, and what you can do to improve creative effectiveness.
System1 is the world’s leading ‘Effectiveness’ agency whose mission is to help brands and marketers achieve profitable growth through the practical application of behavioural science.
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chief marketing officer, System1 Group
An experienced Commercial leader with a track record of delivering substantial growth across a large number of brands. Currently working as CMO for System1 and host of Uncensored CMO podcast.
Previous experience includes a short stint as CMO for Brewdog, Marketing Director at LRS leading some of the UK’s most iconic brands, on the Board of Purity Soft Drinks, a Private Equity backed Soft Drink business and working for Britvic Soft Drinks running a ‘Seed Brand Unit’ in conjunction with Pepsi.
Chief Innovation Officer, System1 Group
Orlando Wood is Chief Innovation Officer of the System1 Group and member of the IPA’s Advisory Board. Co-author of System1, Unlocking Profitable Growth, his research on advertising draws on psychology and how the brain works. His work has influenced thinking and practice in the research, marketing and advertising, winning him awards from the AMA, ARF, MRS, ISBA, Jay Chiat and ESOMAR. Orlando led the IPA’s Creativity and Effectiveness research for Effectiveness Week in 2018 and 2019, and is the author of a new IPA publication on changes in advertising styles, Lemon.